This guy!

Meet one of our happy campers 😃 This guy was one of our (many) favourites from the Summer Adventure Camps 2020.
What a year its been! But this guy epitomises the feeling we all felt last summer when restrictions were somewhat lifted and we could get out and about with a little more freedom. You can’t but get the sense of exhilaration after a go on the mudslide – Adventure-seekers: don’t miss it!
We were bowled over by the response to our Summer camps last year and we gained many fans – kids and parents alike. Kids love getting wet and dirty and we don’t disappoint!
It’s a well known fact that spending time being active outdoors is good for us and this is so true for kids, especially when their time is increasingly spent on screens. Check out this article ‘Children Should be Outside for 4-6 Hours Every Day‘ Here’s something to take away from the article – “When kids are given time to be outside their bodies instinctively seek out the sensory input they need to grow and develop. If children can consume media through screens 1200 hours a year on average than the time is there and at least some of it can and should be shifted towards a more productive and healthy outcome”.